lovely diacritic?

The only thing you can bring to heaven is: your character
8 September, 2010, 6:15 pm
Filed under: Religion | Tags:

After watching these two similar yet contrasting videos, it reminded me to stay in this journey of being more Christ-like. Having my character to be moulded towards Christ-likeness not only pleases God, it also makes you shine. I said the videos are similar because both were badly sung auditions. However, the contrast is in the crowd’s reaction. People were turned off by the first, and were delighted by the second.

God does not force us like a master forcing his donkey to be on this path of Godliness. Instead, He gives us the choice and let us know that this path gives us a much-more life than just a great life. He wants us to be on this path because He loves us. He moulds us from a selfish person to a selfless person. From a greedy person to a giving person. From a worried person to a joyful person. And the list goes on.

Philippians 3:14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”